The Skinny

About me? Hmm. Well I’ve never been good at these sort of things, and really talking about myself is something I don’t enjoy doing, but I suppose if people want to know, who am I to deny them?

I’ll start with the basics.

I’m married, or rather I’m happily married. We have a fairly open relationship.

I type how I talk, mostly, adding bits of accents along the way because I can.

I’m fun. I’m funny. I know how to address a crowd and get everyone’s attention. Do I choose to do it? Not really, it just kind of happens.

I’ve been called many a name.

Believe it or not, but I have enemies. They only hate me because they can’t have me. I know that sounds terribly conceited, but really there is no other way to word it. I don’t get the fuss however. It’s just me.

I’m an expressive individual.

I’m the kind of person who gets asked for advice. I’m also the kind of person people like telling things to. All sorts of things.

When I tell someone something, it usually goes like this. I tell them like it is and it results in them being grateful while wanting to hurt to me.

I’m brutally and almost inappropriately honest.

I’m a firm believer in Karma.

I follow the philosophy of treating others how I’d want to be treated. So while I may wish horrible things on people in my mind, I don’t actually want it to happen. …Except for a couple people.

I’m a nerd. I’m a dork. I love laughing. I love life. I love living.

Lots of things make me happy.

I try to be a good person.

I’m a bit of a hippie.

I ADORE food and cooking.

Writing makes me feel complete.

I’d die without books. …Not literally or physically, but I feel my mental stability would be altered. …The same goes for music.


I coin my own phrases and use them often. I have an interesting way of talking and a general “give a fuck” attitude while caring immensely about things that need to be cared about.

People like me and lord only knows why.

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