Archive for December, 2010

Turkey Day

Posted in Uncategorized on December 1, 2010 by Morbid

Okay so I’ve never cooked a turkey before. I’ve done mashed potatoes and other side dishes, but never the bird. Today that changed. My sister-in-law and I took care of the turkey. And what an adventure it was. Firstly, she took out the giblet bag and then put the bird in the roasting pan. Here’s the fun part. Have you ever tried to season the inside of one of those??

So my sister-in-law and I are in the kitchen and my mother-in-law is on the computer, around the corner from us and all she can hear is, “Is it in?” “No, don’t blow on it.”  “I know, let’s use a spoon.” “Okay, that didn’t work out so well.” “Hmm. I’ll try tossing it in.”
Now at this point, she’s shaking the chair with laughter. “You sound like a couple of virgins on your wedding night.” She tells us through laughs which sets us off to giggling.
So we use a spoon. “Yay, it’s in! Okay, now jiggle it a little.” To which my sister-in-law picks up the turkey by the legs and jiggles it up and down, making us laugh harder. It was definitely an interesting time. Some of the other phrases that were said revolved around the turkey being a hooker. As well as my sister-in-law discovered that she could make the turkey’s bum talk.. So of course she played with it and then we had to season it. Let me tell you that tossing salt or Paprika into a turkey isn’t a very good idea. lol
But it turned out tasting really yummy. We had turkey, stuffing, mashed sweet potatoes, candied yams, cranberry sauce, black olives and green beans.  Oh and of course we had a pumpkin pie.
They have turkey on sale at Walmart, so we’re thinking about getting another one. lol
I shall tell you of any more adventures we have with it. lol