Archive for November, 2011

So many things

Posted in Uncategorized on November 19, 2011 by Morbid

So. I really should write more often, but here it goes. A quick little update is all I can manage right now.

Hubby got a job at the ass end of June.
I got a job, and started on the 28th of August.
My sister-in-law’s wife broke up with her.
We got another cat. Umm.

And now another update from that.
Hubby stopped being scheduled at the end of September.
I got fired at the end of September.
My sister-in-law proved herself to be extremely useless.
We had to get rid of the cat.

Hubby got a job and I got a job. It’s just a matter if we can keep them after the holidays.  And I vowed that I would write a blog… well not vowed, but I said just a few minutes ago that I would try to write a few blogs before the end of the year, so as not to be lame.
Or something.
So here it is. Nothing else is really new. Hubby works nights and I work when they decide to schedule me. I’m still on the path with cooking and learning how to make new things all the time. Eventually I’ll put together a book or something. I don’t have the internet back yet, so I have to use the computers at the library and right now I’m at a friend’s house. She’s awesome for letting me use her internet. And! She taught me how to play Rummy.
I’ve been using a chisel on my writer’s block, because I still have the Great Wall of China Writer’s Block. I just need to find my airplane. I’m fairly pissed at WordPress right now too. My subscriptions have disappeared. *shakes fist*
And. I’m not going to jinx myself. So I’m not going to be posting any Janice stories on here. I’m not going to post a Christmas story on here, or a New Year’s either.
I’m going to have an anti-resolutions list this next year too.


And yeah. I’ll try to remember to post something else. And if things happen I’ll post those too. And maybe I’ll throw in some interesting things. …Not my life stuff, but fun, funny stuff. 🙂