Archive for November, 2012

Dusty, rusty, and a little out dated.

Posted in Uncategorized on November 28, 2012 by Morbid

*blows dust off blog*

*cracks knuckles*

*clears away cobwebs*

*clears throat*

*turns light on*

That’s better. Wow. I know I say it in every blog, but it has been A WHILE! And A LOT has happened. I’d be lying if I said nothing was knew. So here go. Firstly and fore mostly. I’m in school! Yay me! I’m still working! Double yay me! And thirdly. Hubby and I are trying to have a baby. I haven’t told everyone, but I feel, dear readers.. *peers out into dwindling crowd* that you should know. And I promise that I won’t start posting just because of that fact, nor shall I bog down the blog with baby-ish things.

But I’ll tell you more about that later.

So, school, yes. I started school. I’m currently in school to get my Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Administration. It’s nifty! And I’m having lots of fun. But I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I? Oh yes. Yes I am. Firstly, I got my GED in July. I found a program that did it for free. And when I was taking the classes for it, the school offered me err. schooling. So after much much much research about school loans processes, etc, I said okay. And here I am. I’m actually writing this from the school library in my scrubs, oh comfy scrubs!
I would take a picture, but I’m really not photogenic these days. If hubby were here he’d disagree, but he’s not, so I say I am! Damn it.
So yes. I haven’t completely decided what I want to do, but this program will get me certified in a lot of areas. I’ll be a Phlebotomist, work in radiology, management, pharmacy, and medical assisting. It’s a lot and I’m excited. I have however decided that if things go JUST the way I hope they do, I won’t stop with my Bachelor’s. I want to get my Masters in Bio med.
In laymen terms, I want to work for the CDC.
Let’s see. Oh yeah. Hubby is doing okay. He’s going through Vocational Rehab for training and to get a job. And holey moley! You wouldn’t believe the mental problems he was diagnosed with. It’s sad, but I’m glad he’s getting help. Finally. But don’t let me rant about that, dead readers, because we will be here all night. Which I don’t want to do. I’m quite hungry.
Oh. And I am still in Utah. I don’t hate it as much as I did. I’ve made friends. I have a job and I go to school. While there are several imperfections to this place, it’s grown on me some. But not much. I swear.
Hmm. Oh yes. I have a job, but I’m looking for a new one. I get 6 hours a week if I’m lucky. Which I’m normally not. I worked Black Friday and that was the most I have worked in about 5 months.
So I think what I will do, because my brain isn’t concentrating that well, I will go in spurts. I will have internet tomorrow and Thursday because of being at a friend’s house and I will write more. Or maybe I won’t. I don’t want to jinx myself. Again.