Archive for November, 2010


Posted in Uncategorized on November 20, 2010 by Morbid

So yeah. Lots has happened and I’ve been too lazy to write a blog until now. And I might still be too lazy to write a full one, so this could very well be part 1. Let’s just dive into things. I’ve been sick or something for like a month now. At first I thought my body was just reacting from being lazy, so I made an effort to be more active, well that didn’t help. I had really bad fatigue, little to no appetite, and in general just feeling under the weather. I was also dealing with nearly fainting episodes so bad that hubby would have to help me either get to a chair or even the bedroom so I could lay down. I can’t even take a shower without having to sit down. So after a month of this I went into the Free Clinic. The first visit there, they drew blood and tested my blood sugar, kidneys, liver, thyroid, Potassium, Sodium, etcetera. Everything came back normal, except for my blood sugar. That was low. So they wanted me to fast and come back the next week. Well I was only supposed to fast for 12 hours, but I oopsed and fasted for 22 instead. I set an alarm so I could get up and eat, but unfortunately I set it for the wrong time. I didn’t know it until later, but I could have eaten at the time the alarm was set for. I was not happy about that.
The next week I went back and had my blood sugar tested again, after fasting. It was really low, so they said that Hypoglycemia is hard to diagnose, but I should start eating at least 6 times a day. Then they did more blood work, testing the same things with the fasting, and I got told to come back the next week.

So I did. Now let me say this before I continue. The Free Clinic is something I love, really. But if I have to sit and listen to children run around screaming, I start to lose my patience. What’s worse is when they are literally crawling around your feet, and if you don’t move them, (your feet that is) they move them for you. It’s crowded and generally an unpleasant place.

So the next visit rolls around and I get seen again. This time it’s just to get my results from the blood work. The doctor tells me I have Hypoglycemia and I just need to eat 6 times a day. At this point hubby and I are getting frustrated because I have been eating more times a day for two weeks and things aren’t improving. So hubby tells the doctor everything that’s going on and the doctor says very casually to check my pulse when these “episodes” happen because it could be heart disease. Wtf?
Where did this come from? But of course, being in America and at a Free Clinic, I only get what they decide to give. And I get to go home wondering if something more is wrong with me. Just my luck, right?

And so we leave, confused more than when we started. A few days pass or so and suddenly I’m worse. My heart beats faster by the minute and I start getting chest pains. My head starts to hurt when these happen and I get short of breath. Well there’s a number of things that could be causing this I realize, so I don’t panic. Hubby and I just decide that I’ll go back to the Free Clinic and tell them what’s going on. So it’s a good plan and Tuesday rolls around. (Sorry if this sounds bad, one of the side affects I’ve been having is confusion and lack of concentration. It’s actually taking a lot out of me to write this.)
I wake up, sit up in bed to grab a phone number and it hits me. I’ve got chest pains that are now spreading into my left shoulder and back, and the left side of my neck. To make matters worse, my left arm hurts and is going numb. I’m having a hard time breathing and I’m very nauseous. Many thoughts run through my head, but the main one is, “Am I having a heart attack?”
It’s 8 in the morning and I might be lucky if I’m seen by 6 at the free clinic. So I decide that I can’t wait for the free clinic. And I’m scared. So hubby and I go to the hospital. Once we get there and tell them what’s going on, it doesn’t take that much time before I’m back in the ER. While I’m there, I get my chest x-rayed, a CAT scan, blood drawn, and an IV. I don’t want to go into a ton of detail, but all the tests come back negative and they decide to send me home with a Holter Heart Monitor to monitor my heart for 24 hours because they don’t know what’s wrong.
I haven’t heard back yet on any results because I have to go to the Free Clinic next Tuesday or Thursday and have the Cardiologist fax the results to one of the doctors there. Meanwhile, my chest pains haven’t gone completely away. I still get light headed and feel like I’m going to pass out, as well as my heart keeps beating fast and hard. It makes life a tad more than complicated. But right now, since it’s day 5 or 6, my body has adjusted and it’s all just a minor inconvenience. So I’ll be fine. I just hope that this doesn’t prevent me from the job I’m supposed to have. That’ll just piss me off.


Posted in Uncategorized on November 12, 2010 by Morbid

Okay, so I can’t think of anything to write. I was going to share some recipes but I’ll do that later. So here we go. I write. Duh. lol
Here’s something I have been working on for a couple years now. It’s not a whole complete story, but snippets, more like journal entries. Here’s how it works. I pictured this girl and just started to write about her. I’ve got several parts and sporadically or if I can’t think of what to write, I’ll share these. I’ll even post them in order… or the order they’re in so far. Enjoy. 🙂


Tommy shot the lock and cursed a blue streak when the bullet bounced back and hit him in the thigh. I smirked. “That’s why you never shoot the lock.” I pushed him aside and shot the wood next to the lock. The wood splintered, and I gave it a solid kick with my boot. I looked back at him. The look on his face was priceless. Before he could say anything, I stopped him. “Look, it’s not my fault that the agency keeps sending me dumbass rookies that keep getting themselves killed. So I’ll cut a deal with you. You can leave now before it gets too rough and I’ll send you a check.”

Tommy snorted. “I figured a broad like you wouldn’t be smart enough to figure it out.” He raised his gun, pointing it at me. I laughed, which I couldn’t help doing. And it probably wasn’t a good idea because Tommy growled, cocking his gun. “What’s so funny bitch?” I wasn’t going to answer that, so I didn’t. Instead, I decided on another route. “So that’s the plan then? Are you going to kill me or just threaten?”

“I don’t have to answer you!”

Well that was mature. I rolled my eyes, seeing there was going to be no way he’d listen to reason. I pretended to lower my gun, but brought it up fast, like I was taught, and shot him in the stomach. He dropped his gun, stumbling backwards, away from me. “Like I said before; It’s not my fault the agency keeps sending me dumbass rookies. And now you get to join the rest of them.” He started to say something, but I didn’t let him finish.

Before his body fell with his brains, I walked through the door. Heartless? Maybe. But like hell, I was going to let some dumbass rookie take me down.